East 1-1

Sorry I don’t get this one. If I can upgrade picking up 6s I get sanshoku! or a 0s pair! maybe I want a safer tile to discard after I hit tenpai?

now you want to hold onto the 5s????? mega confused
East 2-2

okay I concede 3p has no efficiency value but MUH 345s sanshoku….
East 3-1

isolated terminal vs non-value wind? torn on this one… i’d much rather toss xia vs 1p on a double riichi… or would I actually? since we know daburii has higher wait on tanki honor tiles (source: my ass) than any other wait, given that the most common daburii hand is chiitoi and the player would more likely pick an honor tile over a non honor tile for tenpai if possible (source: my ass again, i read it somewhere before ok)
East 4-1

agree 6s serves no purpose at this point. we should have done sakigiri now and save 9m for discarding later

when choosing which pair to cut when all seems equal, lets cut the pair that has been once cut vs the non-cut pair (6p in kamicha hand = less chance of 6p being pon tile for someone, whereas both 6s are still live). OK

let’s sakigiri 6s. I don’t need it. OK

let’s toss most likely genbutsu over absolute genbutsu first. OK

borderline to not chii; i’m taking it because i’m not necessarily hurting for points and am ok taking 2000 here to advance the round vs fishing for closed tan sanshoku for 5200 (mangan riichi).
South 1-1

fuck penchans all my homies hate penchans

sakigiri 8p makes sense – there’s really no way i’m gonna hold onto it in completing my hand at this point.
South 2-1

I did consider this pon as I do think nan should come out pretty easily… but I don’t want to be overly aggressive and get caught out by riichi with my point lead so I err on the side of caution rather than being aggressive here.

same as above

same as above goddammit ok i fucked up

maybe i should stop pushing against two open call dealer if i want to be”safe” :^)
South 2-1

I think the case here is you can build 789 sanshoku here, whereas I have absolutely nothing on the 123 side. ehhhhhhh its a stretch but every little bit matters so OK fine

don’t like this difference, i’d much rather sakigiri dora honor now since I don’t need more points at this point in time in case someone tanki riichis it in a turn or two.
South 3-1

isolated terminal > valueless wind? ok fine

I’d rather not help feed more yakuhai to shimo in last if I can help it… I’m ok folding my hand to advance to next round for muh 4th place avoidance.

genbutsu 1s cut lol isn’t that incongruent with my last statement????

i have no idea why kamicha tossed 7m into my riichi. i was confused. maybe he’s like no genbutsu so fuck everything
South 3-2

I’m thinking if I pick up another 9m I can switch to junchan… I guess 8p lets me keep 789 sanshoku alive but I feel like my blocks are set on 7899m 12p 123s 78s 66z…? I did end up cutting 9m in the end but I guess 78p is a upgrade over 12p kanchan so OK fine

i want to commit to junchan chance… but riichi on 8s or 6z draw is fine too i guess. i dont need more points here…
South 3-2

lone terminal > non-value wind
South 4-1

what am i doing here?????????? I was thinking i’d somehow end on 3444p tenpai but why go the long way around when I can just cut 3p?

2m genbutsu to start folding. I was thinking 5s to fold out is nakasuji to shimocha so it’s safe but toimen has already tedashi’d since his 2m drop so he could hit possibly hit me with dama. I find it hard for him to have dama mangan though to overtake me if he’s dropping 2m and i have one of the red fives

just genbutsuing out… i guess technically shimocha could switch to 5m tenpai on the discard but there’s no way it’s baiman to drop me out of 1st… I guess shimocha could technically use it so that would be the main demerit over 8s

gg dude you’re very bad hand rate is high
Points to Consider
- isolated terminals are worth more than non-value winds in early discards
- let’s sakigiri tiles earlier that can’t improve our shapes (34s ryanmen >> 6 is shit)
- open pon palace hands if we have 4 pairs + yakuhai? especially early?
hey did you know if you play better these posts won’t be as long? hidden incentive to play better…