I was supposed to finish my japan thing from the last post… I will just edit it in at some future date lol
I had to organize my onahole cabinet because I was spending too much time pulling each one out of its bag and looking at it to guess what it is, and then decide if I want to use that one or not… I have it updated in my books.xlsx sheet now so I can just look at the sheet and see which one I want to use and pull exactly that one out! Imagine the time savings I’m going to realize now…!
I also cleaned up all my doujins – I had 3 piles for unread, C104 unread, and C105 new acquisitions, so they’re all organized now.
Starting my habit tracker in earnest now… I think I can still make some updates but I like the way it looks for now.:

are you a good kot today?

not looking too good
did you do your work today: did you actually work today, since you’re supposed to be working on tax stuff every day?
did you lift: did you exercise? Admittedly since I’ve been way off track for quite the longest time I’m just going to lift light for reps to acclimate my body again (probably something like 65 lbs for overhead press/squat, 95-105 lbs for bench and 135-155 lbs for deadlift) and just start the climb from scratch again. fuck whatever i’ve been lifting before; i’m back to square one again and keeping consistency on lifting every day is more important (in the short run) then trying to get back to where I was in terms of weight lifted.
did you take a walk: did you put on your shoes and go walk around outside? usually my walks are around 45 minutes, but if I lace up my shoes and step outside I’m walking for 30 minutes minimum anyway, so for now just ‘walking outside’ is the target. maybe go longer or take multiple walks in a day if I feel like it but just getting outside is the step for consistency for now and we can specify a hard time minimum later.
did you do your japanese reps: did you review some anki cards? I think target for now is about 100 cards to review and clear; I do have a backlog of a few hundred right now but knocking out some is better than none until I catch up. After I catch up I need to actually go through my read doujin/tankoubon and mine new words and add to deck but that can come later.
Honestly I had fun today building the excel sheet and looking that my task was NO made me think to just go and fucking put my shoes on and touch the barbell. So I think it is a good step forward. Just need to see if I do it tomorrow. teehee
have a new non-habit goal I want to do to review my one mahjong game a day in detail. that will go here at https://xsa.moe/category/log/. the idea being if I spend more time actually going through it in detail the things I will pick up on naga differences will mean more if I think about it… maybe go through the log before I play the next game so I know what I need to pay attention more to and the gainz will build upon themself.
I cleaned up my twitter following and attempting to clean up my “For You” feed to be cunny and stuff – some reason I’ve gotten really frustrated reading politics stuff since it’s just lol people stupid and you know what? people will never stop being stupid so why listen to the noise? now you can see all the dirty stuff I follow on https://x.com/XSA_/following. don’t cancel me bro
ok time to file some work things away and then shower and fap and go to sleep so we can have an excellent day tomorrow and be a good kot
good night