Author: XSA

  • log 2-17-25

    East 1-1

    Sorry I don’t get this one. If I can upgrade picking up 6s I get sanshoku! or a 0s pair! maybe I want a safer tile to discard after I hit tenpai?

    now you want to hold onto the 5s????? mega confused

    East 2-2

    okay I concede 3p has no efficiency value but MUH 345s sanshoku….

    East 3-1

    isolated terminal vs non-value wind? torn on this one… i’d much rather toss xia vs 1p on a double riichi… or would I actually? since we know daburii has higher wait on tanki honor tiles (source: my ass) than any other wait, given that the most common daburii hand is chiitoi and the player would more likely pick an honor tile over a non honor tile for tenpai if possible (source: my ass again, i read it somewhere before ok)

    East 4-1

    agree 6s serves no purpose at this point. we should have done sakigiri now and save 9m for discarding later

    when choosing which pair to cut when all seems equal, lets cut the pair that has been once cut vs the non-cut pair (6p in kamicha hand = less chance of 6p being pon tile for someone, whereas both 6s are still live). OK

    let’s sakigiri 6s. I don’t need it. OK

    let’s toss most likely genbutsu over absolute genbutsu first. OK

    borderline to not chii; i’m taking it because i’m not necessarily hurting for points and am ok taking 2000 here to advance the round vs fishing for closed tan sanshoku for 5200 (mangan riichi).

    South 1-1

    fuck penchans all my homies hate penchans

    sakigiri 8p makes sense – there’s really no way i’m gonna hold onto it in completing my hand at this point.

    South 2-1

    I did consider this pon as I do think nan should come out pretty easily… but I don’t want to be overly aggressive and get caught out by riichi with my point lead so I err on the side of caution rather than being aggressive here.

    same as above

    same as above goddammit ok i fucked up

    maybe i should stop pushing against two open call dealer if i want to be”safe” :^)

    South 2-1

    I think the case here is you can build 789 sanshoku here, whereas I have absolutely nothing on the 123 side. ehhhhhhh its a stretch but every little bit matters so OK fine

    don’t like this difference, i’d much rather sakigiri dora honor now since I don’t need more points at this point in time in case someone tanki riichis it in a turn or two.

    South 3-1

    isolated terminal > valueless wind? ok fine

    I’d rather not help feed more yakuhai to shimo in last if I can help it… I’m ok folding my hand to advance to next round for muh 4th place avoidance.

    genbutsu 1s cut lol isn’t that incongruent with my last statement????

    i have no idea why kamicha tossed 7m into my riichi. i was confused. maybe he’s like no genbutsu so fuck everything

    South 3-2

    I’m thinking if I pick up another 9m I can switch to junchan… I guess 8p lets me keep 789 sanshoku alive but I feel like my blocks are set on 7899m 12p 123s 78s 66z…? I did end up cutting 9m in the end but I guess 78p is a upgrade over 12p kanchan so OK fine

    i want to commit to junchan chance… but riichi on 8s or 6z draw is fine too i guess. i dont need more points here…

    South 3-2

    lone terminal > non-value wind

    South 4-1

    what am i doing here?????????? I was thinking i’d somehow end on 3444p tenpai but why go the long way around when I can just cut 3p?

    2m genbutsu to start folding. I was thinking 5s to fold out is nakasuji to shimocha so it’s safe but toimen has already tedashi’d since his 2m drop so he could hit possibly hit me with dama. I find it hard for him to have dama mangan though to overtake me if he’s dropping 2m and i have one of the red fives

    just genbutsuing out… i guess technically shimocha could switch to 5m tenpai on the discard but there’s no way it’s baiman to drop me out of 1st… I guess shimocha could technically use it so that would be the main demerit over 8s


    gg dude you’re very bad hand rate is high

    Points to Consider

    • isolated terminals are worth more than non-value winds in early discards
    • let’s sakigiri tiles earlier that can’t improve our shapes (34s ryanmen >> 6 is shit)
    • open pon palace hands if we have 4 pairs + yakuhai? especially early?

    hey did you know if you play better these posts won’t be as long? hidden incentive to play better…

  • february 16, 2025

    I was supposed to finish my japan thing from the last post… I will just edit it in at some future date lol

    I had to organize my onahole cabinet because I was spending too much time pulling each one out of its bag and looking at it to guess what it is, and then decide if I want to use that one or not… I have it updated in my books.xlsx sheet now so I can just look at the sheet and see which one I want to use and pull exactly that one out! Imagine the time savings I’m going to realize now…!

    I also cleaned up all my doujins – I had 3 piles for unread, C104 unread, and C105 new acquisitions, so they’re all organized now.

    Starting my habit tracker in earnest now… I think I can still make some updates but I like the way it looks for now.:

    are you a good kot today?

    not looking too good

    did you do your work today: did you actually work today, since you’re supposed to be working on tax stuff every day?

    did you lift: did you exercise? Admittedly since I’ve been way off track for quite the longest time I’m just going to lift light for reps to acclimate my body again (probably something like 65 lbs for overhead press/squat, 95-105 lbs for bench and 135-155 lbs for deadlift) and just start the climb from scratch again. fuck whatever i’ve been lifting before; i’m back to square one again and keeping consistency on lifting every day is more important (in the short run) then trying to get back to where I was in terms of weight lifted.

    did you take a walk: did you put on your shoes and go walk around outside? usually my walks are around 45 minutes, but if I lace up my shoes and step outside I’m walking for 30 minutes minimum anyway, so for now just ‘walking outside’ is the target. maybe go longer or take multiple walks in a day if I feel like it but just getting outside is the step for consistency for now and we can specify a hard time minimum later.

    did you do your japanese reps: did you review some anki cards? I think target for now is about 100 cards to review and clear; I do have a backlog of a few hundred right now but knocking out some is better than none until I catch up. After I catch up I need to actually go through my read doujin/tankoubon and mine new words and add to deck but that can come later.

    Honestly I had fun today building the excel sheet and looking that my task was NO made me think to just go and fucking put my shoes on and touch the barbell. So I think it is a good step forward. Just need to see if I do it tomorrow. teehee

    have a new non-habit goal I want to do to review my one mahjong game a day in detail. that will go here at the idea being if I spend more time actually going through it in detail the things I will pick up on naga differences will mean more if I think about it… maybe go through the log before I play the next game so I know what I need to pay attention more to and the gainz will build upon themself.

    I cleaned up my twitter following and attempting to clean up my “For You” feed to be cunny and stuff – some reason I’ve gotten really frustrated reading politics stuff since it’s just lol people stupid and you know what? people will never stop being stupid so why listen to the noise? now you can see all the dirty stuff I follow on don’t cancel me bro

    ok time to file some work things away and then shower and fap and go to sleep so we can have an excellent day tomorrow and be a good kot

    good night

  • log 2-16-25

    East 1-1

    I have 5 blocks already… is 7p too aggressive for sakigiri here? I guess 6p upgrade but I think 3344m, 34s, 779s, 22z are my blocks here but I guess I shouldn’t be so rigid about it

    Chii here because I think I can pick up 2z pretty easily down the line and it’s dora. Brings my hand to 2000 nan dora vs 1000 nan nomi…?

    Just sakigiri things since again I have my blocks set. Middling difference anyway

    Bro IDK man fuck you

    East 2-1

    Legit error, just tossing wind while I was walking :^)

    I did think about this one…. there is the potential for sanshoku 234 but I’d rather take the riichi opportunity if I draw 7s

    I dont think I’m folding yet so 8p vs 9s is the debate. The early 4p and my ability to see 3 8s makes me think 9s is safer to discard (Naga feels the same) but dumping 8p seems too risky here to me (I would put the tenpai it on 58p or 69p based on the early 4p discard)

    I’m not riichiing this go away

    East 3-1

    Value honor vs isolated terminal… OK

    I guess I could be thinking about chiitoi earlier? If I drew 8s I’d shoot myself though. Trying to still keep options open here

    I don’t understand this one – keeping 8p leaves me furiten on 7p draw, and once cut for chiitoi – 1m lets me use 2m for normal hand and is not cut at all so far. Am I trying to be careful of shimocha with the 5m cut?

    Both 3m and 7s are genbutsu to shimocha riichi. I suppose 9p cut from toimen indicates possible danger since that’s a push tile, so 7s also protects against toimen if he was tenpai already.

    East 3-2

    Sanshoku potential if we keep 6s? I feel like we have our blocks set already and I don’t need to dangle a loose tile… drawing 12p lets me switch to pinfu over ton pair for riichi.

    Same… I ended up cutting the 2p to riichi after on 7p draw so I guess I really don’t need the 2p?????

    East 4-1

    Value Wind vs Isolated Terminal. OK

    Wrong dragon discard order (less chuns visible = higher haku uradora rate)

    Not sure what I was going for here… 33m pair isn’t secure here so cutting the 9s is going back a step here. OK

    No difference for me… I suppose 1p is safer vs shimocha if we get later into the round?

    South 2-1

    I am thinking chin itsu here but I think getting nan is pretty low rate and I wanna try to conceal my discards a little bit… I do agree pure efficiency though cutting 4p/4s is better but I opted to go for a tiny bit of misdirection from away from manzu hand

    Tsumo… rest of the differences are indifferent to me for pinzu/souzu discard order

    South 2-1

    Value Dragon vs Round Wind. OK

    This makes sense to me from a pure efficiency standpoint – I was fantasizing of drawing another 5p for san an kou but this makes sense…

    Trash riichi but it is worth 7700… I can’t take it. I will hope to find another wait down the line.

    Got the 4p anyway in the end (or from shimocha twice) but dugout the 23s. So Lucky

    South 2-2

    Fuck You

    I know 2234s lets me chii 2s/5s from kamicha but I wanted to take my chances on drawing 3p/5p instead. Plus if I draw 3s I’ll be ready sad if I furiten myself on 1s.

    South 2-3

    Indifferent… I want to be away from 7p iipeikou on 789p since 9p is pretty dead. Also helps with 0p acceptance.

    I’m thinking tan yao here… I do have 4 pair chiitoi but should I really be thinking about tanyao if I have the 789p block?

    Indifferent. I would rather deal the nan now and have someone pon it rather than get ronned on it later. Plus hatsu is my pocket safe tile for later.

    South 3-3

    Once cut seat wind vs uncut dragon – Ehhhhhhhhhh OK… I don’t usually adjust for discarded winds/dragons until they’re two cut in opening hand efficiency but I guess we can start.

    I just want to end the round quickly here… I don’t see additional value here beyond picking up more dora so I want to open up for it. Pretty far for riichi too so I will take the speed here.

    But somehow I wanted to go for Hon itsu here… lol if I wanted to do that I should have held on to all my wind tiles right :^)

    Rest of differences are wanting to toss 1m earlier. OK i agree in hindsight but switching to hon itsu would have been sick

    South 4-1

    Value honor vs terminal – OK

    I do want the 24m block for tan yao but what if I draw 1p/3p for pinfu/riichi? Normal me would just do 1p and force tan yao immediately but I’m trying to be smart ):

    Arguably 2s has no value for me since we have 2 1s cut already… OK

    I don’t wanna cut 5s in case shimocha needs it…

    I did think about this and opted for 8m vs 7m since it would be harder for shimocha to chii 8m vs 7m… I’d end up picking another 8m after |:

    Close enough…

    gg dude


    It’s ok; Could argue my riichi in East 3 cost me the end but there’s no way you don’t riichi that hand.

    Points to Consider

    • Value Honors > Isolated Terminals
    • Place more value on 5200/7700 non-oya/oya shit wait riichis?
    • Feigning misdirection is not worth it on hon/chin itsu hands (I know this already but I didn’t commit to it in South 2-1 by throwing the nan early)

    See you next time

  • february 8, 2025


    I was supposed to write about my trips to San Diego and Tokyo a while back but I never did. Doing it now…

    December 15th-17th, 2024

    Just some work training and walking around the village and mall after work

    Yuzu Scallop Carpaccio and Grilled Halibut

    we have marugame udon at home dude

    we have shake shack at home dude

    December 18th, 2024

    Used Chase ™ rewards to book room at the Manchester Grand Hyatt. It’s a nice room!

    yup it’s a hotel room

    Just killed time walking around the Gaslight District and picking up some drinks until my dinner reservation.

    midway christmas edition

    Didn’t know they had Christmas effects for Midway… I couldn’t swing a way to get on at night since I planned to come back Saturday morning for it and didn’t want to pay for admission twice. But It’s a good view already even from afar anyway.

    food @ animae

    I chose one fine dining place to eat on my trip here. Apparently you’re supposed to get their Wagyu beef steak thing, but I wasn’t really in the mood for that since I eat a lot of steak already, so I opted to get their Pork Tomahawk Tocino instead. I wasn’t expecting too much from a pork dish, but it blew my expectations with every bite. Think of it like a super deluxe char siu dish.

    December 19th, 2024

    San Diego Sea World!

    Mainly chose to came here to ride Emperor since my brother has been a roller coaster maniac for the last year and a half and I’ve let it seep into me a little bit. It’s a decent ride; probably its biggest fault being too short but it has good elements otherwise. Electric Eel is worse than Discovery Kingdom’s Superman as there’s a little brake run at the top that I don’t think Superman has since Electric eel runs three cars instead of Superman’s two cars. Manta and Arctic Rescue are kind of similar as they’re both launch coasters, but I’ll give the edge to Manta for it’s opening launch being more memorable.

    Favorite animal exhibit is the penguin exhibit – Emperor penguins are the “hardest” to keep as they’re supposed to be kept in a colder temperature than the other penguins. Dolphin shows were good fun and getting your hand cleaned by the cleaner fish is tingly!

    December 20th, 2024

    San Diego Zoo

    Looked at animals. Favorite is the Galapagos Tortoises for just crawling around for centuries. Fuck the polar bears for hiding each of the three times I came by to see them. Assholes.

    December 21st, 2024

    USS Midway (CV-41)

    Just did a quick speedrun as I’ve been here before in 2018. Went through the bridge and decks. Had to brush up on my plane knowledge since it’s been a while since I’ve held a post as 提督.

    December 28th, 2024

    Fly to japan

    tfw no balls to fly zipair and save money

    Landed in NRT, Keisei Skyliner to Ueno and bunch of other shit to check in to hotel in Ariake. Took a walk around Toyosu Senkyoku Banrai to try to grab a bite from whatever was still open.

    maruri suisan

    The omake for getting the bowl is supposed to be a cup of sake or Oolong Tea – since I didn’t want to drink alcohol, we got those tiny little cups of Oolong Tea. Thanks!

    December 29th, 2024

    Think I tried to take a nap but didn’t get much sleep. Decided to walk over to Tokyo Big Sight at about 01:30, camped around until the line started forming at around 03:30.

    the second promised land, after akiba

    It’s cold outside! Luckily you can take turns leaving to go to the conbini and use the restroom as you wait in queue, so no need to worry about pissing your pants like I initially was.

    I lined up for West block 4 first to pick up some stuff at the Yuzusoft corporate booth, then picked up some doujinshi and items in West block 1 (Idolmaster/Kantai Collection) and East block 1 (Blue Archive). Didn’t note that there was anything to my interest anywhere else.

    hoodies, blankets, books, bags

    For every 10000¥ you spend at the Yuzusoft booth, you get the little plastic ema things. Apparently those go for a ton of money on Mercari/YAJ, so you could technically buy whatever you want and then make your money back selling those online…

    I was tired as fuck at about 13:30 so I called it quits and went back to the hotel to sleep. I realized that simply marking down which booths wouldn’t be good enough for day 2 due to the huge crowds and I’d need the additional time to re-map my opening route.

    December 30th, 2024

    I made my maps! Except I had one flaw with the East 4-6 map… I had it upside down! You actually enter from the ‘bottom’ of the map, not the top from East 1-3… didn’t realize it until I was already in East 4-6 lol

    Left at about 02:50 to line up at 03:30 again, this time entering from the East blocks rather than the west blocks. Sadly the first booth I got to (しらたまこ) was already a good 150 people deep when I got there, so I took my losses and went onward.

    After picking up most of the regular books, I went back to the wall booths I skipped and were able to pick up a few things. Most limited stuff starts selling out by 12:00-12:30, then ‘good’ books sell out by 14:00-15:00, so time is of the essence!

    books and shit

    Main lessons I would take away from my Comiket experience if I were to redo this would be:

    • If Comiket is important to you, absolutely get a hotel in Odaiba/Ariake to camp out in the early morning. You’ll be ahead of everyone else who needs to take the train to get onto Odaiba, and those opening minutes are critical to getting what you want!
    • Pick like 2 or 3 wall booths MAX that you want limited stuff from. There’s going to be a line for them and waiting in those will inevitably eat up your precious time to get other booth stuff. You can only wait in so many booths before other booths’ limited items will sell out, so pick your battles wisely!
    • You must go through the catalog in advance to map out the circles you want to visit, and only those circles (at least on your first pass through; do whatever you want after you’re done with your route). You don’t have time to casually look around for things that will interest you, as you only get 5 hours each day(11:00-16:00).

    Of course, if you wanna be casual, go for it… but to me, making it to Winter Comiket is the whole reason for my trip, so it’s important to me…!

    ok it’s late and i need to whack off and sleep bye