
hey baby

idk i think im getting the working out and being more physical like going outside part down now - im starting to feel like, if i DONT do that i didn't really finish what i needed to do in my day, so i actually will just say fuck what im doing (lol work) and go do it. Maybe if I was actually goofing off and doing something recreational all day it'd be harder to do that... but for now let's work on cementing the habit.

so assuming, on a workout day, i want to do everything i need to do (for myself, excluding gacha games), I need to spend about 50 minutes working out (set up, work out, break down, put everything away), 30 minutes walk, 30 minutes for breakfast, 30-40 minutes for jp reps, for a total of 140-150 minutes, or 2-2.5 hours to 'start my day right.' given that we have a wake up time of about 5:15, this means i can effectively start my day after 3 hours from waking up (maybe 20-30 minutes of fucking around and brushing teeth and taking my meds and steroids [creatine is a 100% safe free proven supplement and you should take it too!]) and be ready by 8:15 if I'm working from home. if we're commuting to the office then I can slice off the jp reps as I do that on the commute, then i'd also have to NOT fuck around (yeah right) when i wake up. yikes

I'll work on refining the details but for now lets stay with the target wake up time of 5:15. I might need to move it to 4:30 to allow for more room for error but at least we have the working bits down of what i need to get done.

it is good to know that you've done what you needed to do in advance, so you dont have this thought lingering in your mind as you progress through your day going like 'ah fuck i still need to x y and z before the day is over'. becuase you already did it! now you can enjoy life (work) to the fullest :^)

since i have the workout part down now we need to start fighting the war in the kitchen. that is, watch how much i eat!!! and also start winning those battles, too. i lost today, though. sorry.

so cute

thank you to my tsurupetturd bro for getting me yuizaki kazuya's パーカー from c103!!! its so cute and im looking forward to wearing it in public!!