
LMAO what the hell were you doing for 2 days??? having too much fun to write anything??

Watched the super bowl today. It was OK. 49ers lost. lots of sad people tomorrow. Oh well. Let's not allow outside influences/factors influence how things afffect us

Brother made me watch a video about discipline yesterday. The core points were something to the degree of that you need to set rules for yourself, and actually listen to them to become your ideal self. Makes sense! You wouldn't disappoint others (because that affects how they would perceive you), but most often, we are so willing to let ourselves down by not doing what we set out to do.

Like write something every night here hahahahahaha

I should actually quit mahjong. 2/4/4 today, partially my fault but man this shit is awful

Been having fun doing JP studies. Passed a discord bot's n2 quiz! Have to get 20 readings correct in a row, though admittedly I probably need to learn about 100 more N2 words. I'm still missing a lot. But, it's good to know I'm making progress on that. Vs mahjong. yeesh

Overate today. Stop!!!!