
Need to figure out where to put my CPA license wall certificate. There's no room left! Also came in the tube a little damaged so hopefully flattening it out should be fine.

Tried to weasel out of squatting today... but I thought about how I would have to put in my stats page that I didn't lift, so I went out and did it. Owned bitch

Father purchased a no smoke griller because my stepmom was bitching about all the smoke cooking a steak in a pan makes. It's... OK? It cook it but I do miss the char/seared crispy bits of the steak when you pan fry it. Life will go on I suppose.

Overate during lunch today because catered lunch at work... but I actually did rmember take my fiber capsules before eating. Let's look out for grabbing more food than we need to grab simply because it's presented or available to me.

Time to see if I wil actually be a good diligent wagie on my WFH day tomorrow. :^)